So it’s been about 4 weeks since we’ve moved into the new house and I LOVE IT. We have a super-dooper, re-constucted couch, a beautiful kitchen table and an uber comfy bed. We feel like we have everything we could ever need or want. BUT. Without fail, running on 100% success rate, no guest has entered this house without asking presumptuously “When are you getting a T.V?”
Let me give you a little-bitta insight into my day: I often begin work (ing my ass off) before the sun rises and stop working well and truly into the dark-time hours. In the tiny window of time between the last essay marked or the last class planned, and bed time (how I love you bed) I either spend catching up with my boy, cleaning, or reading my awesome Jonathon Safron Foer book.
When, in the hours between me opening my eyes in the morning and then closing them again 17 hours later do I have the TIME (or the desire) to sit in front of a box that tells me to: eat lamb, lose weight, buy this magazine, shop at this store, bank at this institution and be concerned about who’s just died in Summer Bay?
Currently we have no plans or desire to purchase a t.v and despite popular belief we are ok. We are up on current events; the looming financial crisis in Greece for instance, the fact that interest rates are rising faster than …shit, currently out of humorous euphemisms… they’re rising fast ok and you get the point. Anyway the fact of the matter is, we have fun, we know stuff and all in the absence of a t.v-and the world needs to know that we are OK !
So when are you getting a TV?